Friday, January 28, 2011

Pain, pain go away....

Today has been a total blur of pain. From the time I woke up I was barely able to move. My joints were all swollen and very tender to the touch. The center of my back felt like a spike had been driven through it sometime during the night. I'm thankful that Jon was off work to help with getting Maddie off to school. Just brushing her hair was painful and exhausting. I wanted so badly to paint today but was only able to apply a coat of gesso to my painting. I sat most of the morning with the heating pad on and off on my back. When I finally felt able to attempt something constructive, I made a batch of Rice Krispie Treats. That alone exhausted me to have to take a nap. I slept about an hour and a half, waking up feeling worse and hurting even more. Later, after making dinner and cleaning up, I was clearly done for the day. Time to sit, again. Sitting down and staying down is the hardest thing in the world for me. I've always been active and knowing that I can't hurts more than the pain itself. Pain, pain go away ....forever.